The vale School Muthaiga

September 2020-2021 Admissions

The Vale School Muthaiga is a progressive, values-based school focusing on : Mindfulness, Environmental Stewardship, Growth Mindset and Community Spirit

Project-based learning and 21st Century Skills are the corner stone of our curriculum with our aim being to develop empathetic and discerning critical thinkers who help to create a more compassionate and purposeful life experience for themselves and those around them.

We are currently accepting admissions for children aged 1 to 8 years old


Primary School

For more information kindly call us on : +254(0) 708 191397 or send an email to

For job applications kindly send your CV and Cover Letter to and we will get back to you with relevant feedback.

Mission Statement of The Vale School Muthaiga

Our mission is to create meaningful and transformational educational experiences for all learners in our community that will adequately equip them for life. We achieve this by not only providing a rigorous academic program but most importantly by working closely with all the stakeholders in our community (namely; the student learners, the parent body, and the staff members) in conjunction with various partner organisations to promote intercultural understanding and international mindedness.

It is our aim is to develop life-long learners who think both critically and creatively, who have inquiring minds, who are effective communicators and who acquire in-depth knowledge through exploring concepts and ideas that have both local and global significance.

Above all our education program encourages our diverse learning community to be open-minded and to possess a growth mind-set, to approach unfamiliar situations with courage, to be reflective and balanced and to show respect, kindness, empathy and compassion for the needs and feelings of others